Entries from 2019-01-01 to 1 year

Trademark Registration in Uruguay

Having an innovative approach and giving it a shape to withdraw certain benefits out of it be it in the form of Royalty, or financial benefit by setting up a business model based on such innovation, is a long process. However, the world is…

Trademark Registration in Yemen

The trademarkcopia can be acquired for words, logo, numerals, articulation, motto, marks, plan and so forth. Essentially, the reason for getting trademark is to make their items recognizable in the market among the general population. Vent…

Make Money with Domestic Money Remittance

The fast pace at which technology is advancing has made various sources of income to pop n the IT industry. Not only in the IT sector but even many of the industries like finance and medical are backed up by it. BANKIT is one of the most t…

Reasons and Benefits of Domestic Money Remittance

The need to send money to friends or family could arise any minute or one could need money to pay a bill or a sudden purchase. The standards of banking and ecommerce have risen with the rise in technology. Domestic Money Remittance is poss…

BANKIT – Domestic Money Transfer & Remittance

Let’s admit that we all want to earn a great deal of money. But for shopkeepers, it has never been easy. However, now, we are here to change things for you. If you, dear shopkeepers, make your shop a BANKIT outlet, you can start with your …

Domestic Money Remittance Service by BANKIT

BANKIT is a Business-to-Business organization that aims to provide ease of money transfer through its domestic money remittance services. Quick money transfer is the need of the hour for businesses. In spite of the ease of money transfer, …

Domestic Money Remittance

BANKIT is a leading service provider in this domain. BANKIT facilitates the transfer of money from the remitter to the beneficiary instantaneously and seamlessly. A person can transfer up to twenty-five thousand rupees per month, to the ba…

BANKIT–Providing Seamless Banking and Digital Payment Solutions with Entrepreneurial Opportunities

More than 100 million Indian labours face the burden of the unorganised financial structure, where they are unaware of their rights to financial security and subjected to loss of money, negative assertion over money transactions and loss o…

AePS Services at BANKIT

Cashless Transactions have changed the way Indians transact today. Right from bill payments to money transfer, almost all kinds of transactions today are done via handheld devices. We at BANKIT pride ourselves as the facilitators of this e…